FiO2 Calculator

More details on Finer:

The 'Finer' model implements the equation derived by Finer et al., Pediatr Pulmonol 1996;21(1):48-51 with modifications by Dr Michael Hewson, NICU, Wellington Hospital. These include the use of an oxygen blender altering the cannula oxygen concentration, \(B\) and enforcing a conditional statement when the gas flow exceeds minute ventilation, \(\dot V_E\) :

Here, \(\dot V_E = V_T\times R =5.5\times W\times R\), with tidal volume \(V_T\) (mL/kg), respiratory rate \(R\) (breaths/min), and weight \(W\) (kg).

In the construction of this formula, Finer et al. assume a tidal volume \(V_T\) of 5.5 ml/kg.

The use of this model for flow rates above 200 mL/min is not recommended since the Finer model was not made or validated for higher low flow rates.

If selecting flow rate for the preferred output, the formula above is inverted to solve for \(F\).

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